Thursday, July 5, 2012
Dixie Stampede, Branson, MO, Happy 4th of July (yesterday) 33 weeks today!!
It's been a busy couple of weeks... Clint came home last Friday (YEA!!) from a long 5 hour drive from Midland in just enough time to get a shower and jump back in the car for another 8 hour drive to MO (but we ended up stoppping in Texarkana for the night because he was tired, I was pregnancy hurting and Emma couldn't get comfy to sleep in the car). Last week we spent Friday to Wednesday in Branson, MO/Table Rock Lake with my family (mom, dad, brother, sister-in-law and grandma). It was a beautiful lake but not the best place for an almost 9 month pregnant mama! I wouldn't have made the trip if it weren't for the pure joy of a three year old wanting to see the Dixie Stampede!
It was so worth it! She had so much fun and we even went back two other times to just look at all the horses in the stables so she could remind us of their names and breeds. This little girl LOVES horses!! The lake was also nice but between mine and Emma's fair skin we didn't stay out on it very long plus she seems to fall asleep every time we go for a ride on the boat. Ha! We also went to a Berry Farm down the road from our cabins and it was lots of fun to let Emma pick her own Blackberries and eat them but it was sure HOT!
The trip home was much better and we all went to my doctors apt on Thursday morning. It was the first apt Clint has gotten to come to so they got to hear Lane's little heart beat and the doctor confirmed he is still ahead of schedule. Only issue is that I am having some pretty significant contracts so they had to do a not so comfortable test to make sure I wasn't at risk for going into labor in the next few weeks (it came back negative but they will still have to do the test everytime to keep a handle on it).
I am excited for my next apt next Tuesday because we will have another sonogram and it is the same day as my baby shower at work. It has been pretty sad to think that at the end of this month I won't be working with this family of people that I have grown to love over the past 5 1/2 years. I know I will come visit LOTS but also crazy that my new job will be FULL TIME MOMMY :) I am excited and scared all at the same time. Also, some of my super sweet friends have offered to give me a small shower on the following Sunday so after that we should be all set for little Lane's arrival! I can't wait to see his little face and just enjoy my babies!!
We had a wedding on Saturday for a family friend and I actually had a date because Clint didn't go back to work till Sunday (so nice)! We all looked so fancy too!
The 4th was nice but HOT and I have decided ALL outdoor activites aren't the best idea for me at this point (swelling toes and fingers:( I was misrable and not the best company! Emma had a great time... riding her stick horse Flicka everywhere and that little girl can make any situation enjoyable!
Love her... and so glad tomorrow starts are weekend together and only three more weeks of work until I can just stay home when she says..."mommy I don't want you to go to work today!" It has been so hard on all of us with Clint working away so much but she truly is a blessing that makes me crazy in the same breath she makes me smile in!
"Live everyday as if it were your last!"